
26/3/10 : A forum is available in the interactive workspace

The registered users can now interact with the SynsCOP-15 modeling team, through a forum accessible from the interactive workspace. To register, please send an e-mail to contact at ordecsys dot com with title : "synscop15 forum registration".

5/03/10 A new set of scenarios for the follow-up to COP15

In the Interctive Workspace section a new page entitled "After Copenhagen" contains a description of a new set of scenarios. They are proposed in order to simulate and analyze the consequences of the Copenhagen accord, using the trio of models: GEMINI-E3, TIAM, GENIE.

4/02/10 : Follow up to COP15 agreement

January 31, 2010 marked the deadline for parties to the Copenhagen Accord to submit their respective plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Please follow the link given below to find out what are the commitments:

You may also download the pdf document (in French) published by MEEDDM.

7/01/10 A program of action for 2010

The lukewarm result of COP-15 announces a need for further bargaining and negotiations. The SynsCOP-15 tool will remain available to assess in real time the incoming agreement proposals.

1/12/09 Foreword to the first edition

This web site is intended to provide an interactive access to the simulations performed with three complementary models, used in an integrated and harmonized manner. Since the project has officially started only recently (October 2009), the development of these interactivity features is still in progress. For the moment, the simulations shown on this site correspond to predefined scenarios, for which the user can only explore the importance of a limited number of parameters or assumptions. In the comming weeks or months the interactivity of the workspace will improve.

We have selected the scenarios explored in this first edition of this website as those that are very close to the main topics in discussion in the preliminary exchanges preceding COP-15.